The Great War Island research in the “architecture and nature” study course

The research is focused on the existing relations and phenomenons between observed elements on the island.

Data gathering and their updating, with a goal that every described state can be used as scenography for the development of an event in the future is, in itself, an architectural process of making – foreseeing – of “new worlds”.
Digital record is a virtual station that follows and translates into a linear thread all phenomenological changes in nature, based on which it’s possible to observe relations that will answer the questions of how often, in which way and why do the said changes occur, as well as if it’s possible, from an architectural design’s point of view, to affect them in any way.

Architecture, not necessarily described as a process of designing, is being interpreted as a context in nature, a mean to show the invisible structure that makes the relational system between these two instances.

Nature , as a fundamental for making architecture has to be understood through experience, poetic and metaphysical so that the idea of creating something new wouldn’t degrade it.

Author: Katarina Ognjenović